MT Plastic Free

Connecting a single-use plastic ban initiative to shared values and priorities
Impact Strategy, Creative Content

MT Plastic Free, an initiative to reduce plastic waste and associated environmental degradation tasked us with creating a communications strategy and creative assets to help encourage public support for their efforts. The challenge was making single-use plastics a relevant and important issue, because it's easy for people to dismiss it as insignificant compared to other social or environmental issues. However, if we can't muster public support for something as seemingly inconsequential as regulation on single-use plastics, what about other more significant seeming movements or actions?

Our analysis found that, in fact, plastic contamination is a particularly relevant issue for Montanans and Americans, and plenty of research that micro-contaminants like plastics end up in our watersheds and bodies for the long run. Through a stakeholder analysis, we found that clean drinking water and healthy rivers and lakes were a top priority among most demographic groups in Montana. We then collaborated with graphic designers Amelie Lehoux and Margo Stoney to create a poster and two infographics that conveyed this why more clearly.

We then worked with MT Plastic Free on ways to speak about and engage Montanan's on plastic waste, and how to use these visuals as a way to drive interest in the movement, educate the public, and fight disillusionment and empower the public to be advocates for change within their communities.

MT Plastic Free
Focus Areas
Climate Governance
Impact Strategy, Creative Content
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